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The illustration associated with each article makes it easy to identify the relevant field, whether it's feminism, media, extremism, emotions & opinions on social media, performing arts, or video games.

Disseldorp, J., & Bouko, C. (2025). From news article to social media post: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of news outlets' social media logic. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 1–16.

Bouko, C., Naderer, B., Rieger, D., Van Ostaeyen, P., & Voué, P. (2021). Discourse patterns used by extremist Salafists on Facebook : identifying potential triggers to cognitive biases in radicalized content. Critical Discourse Studies, 19(3), 252–273.

Bouko, C., Van Ostaeyen, P., & Voué, P. (2021). How jihadi Salafists sometimes breach, but mostly circumvent, Facebook's community standards in crisis, identity and solution frames. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 47(4), 366–391.

Bouko, C., Van Ostaeyen, P., & Voué, P. (2021). Facebook's policies against extremism : ten years of struggle for more transparency. First Monday, 26(9).

Bouko, C., & Garcia, D. (2020). Patterns of emotional tweets : the case of Brexit after the referendum results. In G. Bouvier & J. E. Rosenbaum (Eds.), Twitter, the public sphere, and the chaos of online deliberation, Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 175–203.

Bouko, C., & Standaert, O. (2020). How francophone soon-to-be journalists perceive the Dutch language in multilingual Belgium : a research and application design. In L. Grujicic-Alatriste (Ed.), Language research in multilingual settings, Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 47–68.

Bouko, C. (2019). L'Expérience Léon Vivien ou la mise en récit de la Grande Guerre sur Facebook. In P. Arbus (Ed.), 1914-1918 : Grande Guerre ou contre-révolution? Ce que disent les imaginaires (pp. 215–224). Paris: Téraèdre.

Standaert, O., Bouko, C., & Vandendaele, A. (2019). Just getting by? Francophone Belgian journalists dealing with Dutch-language sources in their public broadcasting service. Journalism Practice 14(6), 664–678.

Bouko, C., & Garcia, D. (2019). Citizens' reactions to Brexit on Twitter : a content and discourse analysis. In V. Koller, S. Kopf, & M. Miglbauer (Eds.), Discourses of Brexit (pp. 171–190). New York: Routledge.

Bouko, C., Standaert, O., & Vandendaele, A. (2018). Being a journalist in a multilingual country : representations of Dutch among Belgian French-speaking journalists. Multilingua, 38(3), 231–251.

Bouko, C., De Wilde, J., Decock, S., De Clercq, O., Manchia, V., & Garcia, D. (2018). Reactions to Brexit in images : a multimodal content analysis of shared visual content on Flickr. Visual Communication, 20(1), 4-33.

Bouko, C. (2017). Youth's civic awareness through selfies : fun performances in the logic of "Connective actions. In A. Kuntsman (Ed.), Selfie citizenship (pp. 49–58). Cham: Palgrave MacMillan.

Bouko, C., & Calabrese, L. (2017). 'T'es un vrai … si … ': quand les seniors aiment leur ville au sein de groupes Facebook. Canadian Journal of Communication, 42(2), 311–330.

Bouko, C., Calabrese, L., & De Clercq, O. (2017). Cartoons as interdiscourse : a quali-quantitative analysis of social representations based on collective imagination in cartoons produced after the Charlie Hebdo attack. Discourse, Context & Media, 15, 24–33.

Bouko, C., & Vanhaesebrouck, K. (2016). De Carl Hagenbeck à Brett Bailey: mettre en scène la problématique des zoos humains aujourd'hui. Ligeia, 145–148, 28–39.

Bouko, C. (2016). Popular, unpopular: when first World War Museums meet Facebook. In M. Luthe & S. Pohlmann (Eds.), Unpopular culture (pp. 275–290). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Bouko, C., Alvarez, J. & Djaouti, D. (2016). Serious Gaming, Serious Modding and Serious Diverting…Are You Serious?! In J. Lindsey & B. Quinn (Eds.), Mapping the real : cultures and territories of play (pp. 103–114). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.

Bouko, C. (2015). Quand le numérique s'invite au château: les serious games comme outil de médiation du patrimoine. Etudes de communication, 45, 97–112.

Bouko, C., & Dondero, M. G. (2015). My friend is a WWI soldier: docufictions on social networks. Punctum, 1, 94–107.

Bouko, C. (2014). Le théâtre immersif : une définition en trois paliers. Sociétés, 134(4), 55–65.

Bouko, C. (2014). Interactivity and immersion in a media-based performance. Participations. Journal of Audience & Reception studies, 11(1), 254–269.

Bouko, C. (2014). Dramaturgy and the immersive theatre experience. In M. Romanska (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to dramaturgy (pp. 459–465). New York: Routledge.

Bouko, C. (2014). Les usages du passé sur les réseaux sociaux ou comment faire vivre la Grande Guerre sur Facebook. Revue d'Histoire de l'Université de Sherbrooke, 7.

Bouko, C. (2009). The musicality of postdramatic theatre: Hans-Thies Lehmann's theory of independent auditory semiotics. Gramma, 17, 25–35.